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VICES is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for VICES.

22 total results for VICES( score: 50 )

14 results for VICES from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Sun May 19, 202464AWeaknessesChristina Iverson and Katie HaleFagliano
Mon Oct 23, 202361ABad habits (2)Stella ZawistowskiShortz
Sun Jan 16, 202262DNumber twosDerrick NiedermanShortz
Sun Sep 12, 202141ASmoking and swearing, e.g.Alex RosenShortz
Wed Sep 8, 202153DNasty habits (2)Lee TaylorShortz
Fri Mar 5, 202149DMany indulgencesSridhar BhagavathulaShortz
Sat Sep 19, 20151DSubjects of many New Year's resolutionsKevin AdamickShortz
Mon Sep 8, 201448DDrinking and gambling (2)Dan SchoenholzShortz
Sun Dec 19, 201052ADrinking and gambling (2)Kevin G. DerShortz
Sun Dec 4, 2005144ABad habits (2)Eric Berlin and Craig KasperShortz
Tue Jan 11, 20051ANasty habits (2)Sarah KellerShortz
Wed Oct 21, 19986DDrinking and othersMatt GaffneyShortz
Thu Nov 6, 199741ASermon subjectsNancy SalomonShortz
Sat Jun 1, 199624AFailingsB. KlahnShortz
1 result for VICES from Variety puzzles:
Nov 19, 2006Diagramless17DWhat the starts of 13-, 31-, 38- and 62-Across areBrendan Emmett QuigleyShortz
7 results for VICES from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Tue May 4, 198239AFaultsAdamsMaleska
Fri Feb 13, 198143AThe horrors of GomorrahKathryn RighterMaleska
Tue Feb 21, 197841AEvil habitsEli WesoffMaleska
Sat Sep 11, 197651DBad habitsHallie & Gerald ParsonsWeng
Sun Jul 28, 1974117AFaultsTanaquil Le ClercqWeng
Sat Sep 24, 196626ASerious faults.UnknownFarrar
Tue Dec 17, 195734ADefects of character.UnknownFarrar
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