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UVULA is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for UVULA.

62 total results for UVULA( score: 50 )

33 results for UVULA from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Sat Feb 26, 202233DPart of the palateOri BrianShortz
Wed May 20, 202017APart of the throat whose name comes from the Latin for "little grape"Natan Last, Andy Kravis and The J.A.S.A. Crossword ClassShortz
Sat May 16, 20207DIt's down in the mouth (2)Tracy Gray and Jeff ChenShortz
Wed Nov 6, 201952DThroat dangler (9)Ross TrudeauShortz
Sun Mar 31, 201947DSomething seen with a tiny flashlightAndrew J. RiesShortz
Wed Jun 20, 201816ALump in one's throat (3)Jeffrey WechslerShortz
Thu Mar 8, 201815AOne down in the mouth?Jim QuinlanShortz
Mon Jun 12, 201710DThroat dangler (9)Dan MargolisShortz
Wed Nov 25, 201547DPalate part (3)Duncan Kimmel and Clara WilliamsonShortz
Tue Sep 1, 201547DThroat dangler (9)Michael TorchShortz
Sun Apr 26, 20152DIt's down in the mouth (2)Patrick BerryShortz
Mon Apr 13, 201531ADangling tissue near the tonsilsAlex SilvermanShortz
Mon Nov 17, 201432DThroat dangler (9)Tom McCoyShortz
Sun Aug 25, 201321ALump in one's throat (3)Victor BarocasShortz
Mon Feb 6, 201220AThroat dangler (9)Tom PepperShortz
Fri Dec 17, 201026ALump in one's throat? (3)Patrick BerryShortz
Tue Mar 2, 201052DThroat dangler (9)Elizabeth C. GorskiShortz
Sun Jul 26, 2009111AIt's found near the tongueKevin G. DerShortz
Wed Jun 10, 200950DPalate part (3)Richard SilvestriShortz
Sun Jun 29, 200898APalate appendage (2)Tony Orbach and Patrick BlindauerShortz
Sun May 4, 2008110APalate part (3)Richard SilvestriShortz
Fri Dec 21, 200715AIt vibrates during snoringPatrick BerryShortz
Tue Jun 5, 200716AThroat dangler (9)Barry C. SilkShortz
Sat Oct 28, 200628DAnatomical hangerDavid QuarfootShortz
Tue May 11, 200432ATonsil neighborLee Glickstein and Nancy SalomonShortz
Wed Nov 13, 200263AThroat doctor's concernElizabeth C. GorskiShortz
Wed Feb 27, 200252DThroat dangler (9)Brendan Emmett QuigleyShortz
Sun Jan 13, 200222AThroat dangler (9)Nelson HardyShortz
Mon Nov 8, 199950DPart of the back of the mouthKent LorentzenShortz
Mon Oct 4, 199914APalate appendage (2)Joey CrumleyShortz
Wed Jul 22, 199816ASoft palate projectionMark Elliot SkolskyShortz
Sun Oct 5, 199745AThroat projectionDerrick NiedermanShortz
Sun Feb 9, 19979DPart of the soft palateD. NilesShortz
1 result for UVULA from Variety puzzles:
Apr 15, 2012Diagramless48DSoft palate appendagePaula GamacheShortz
28 results for UVULA from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Thu Apr 22, 199353APalate partLois SidwayMaleska
Thu Mar 18, 199350DLobe in the mouthBernice GordonMaleska
Mon Feb 10, 199211DPalate partMary S. SnyderMaleska
Sun Dec 23, 199098ASoft-palate projectionJohn M. SamsonMaleska
Fri Apr 28, 198930DPart of the mouthJoel D. LafargueMaleska
Wed Oct 21, 198726DLobe in the mouthShirley SolowayMaleska
Fri Jan 10, 198627DPart of the soft palateIrene SmullyanMaleska
Mon Jan 21, 198544DPalate sectionJean J. DavisonMaleska
Sun May 6, 198454DPalate partBeverly TivinMaleska
Tue Jan 27, 198147DLobe in the mouthChristopher SherwoodMaleska
Sun Sep 21, 19803DTonsil's neighborLouis BaronMaleska
Mon Jun 26, 197850DSoft-palate lobeRuth Lake TepperMaleska
Sun Jun 13, 197637DPalate partFrances HansenWeng
Tue Nov 11, 197518APart of the palateFrank FryWeng
Wed Feb 6, 197453DPalate partElizabeth A. YaroWeng
Tue Jun 29, 197127DPart of the palateUnknownWeng
Sun May 17, 197046DPalate partBruce R. ShawWeng
Thu Sep 18, 19695DPart of the palate.UnknownWeng
Sat Feb 1, 196927APalate part.UnknownWeng
Sun Sep 8, 196321APart of the soft palate.W. E. JonesFarrar
Sun May 27, 196298APart of the palate.E. R. GalliFarrar
Sun Apr 16, 1961121DSoft palate.Aida CromwellFarrar
Sun Nov 1, 19592DPart of the palate.Charles GerschFarrar
Thu Mar 27, 195815APart of the soft palate.Arthur SchulmanFarrar
Thu Jun 16, 195527DPart of the throat.UnknownFarrar
Wed May 12, 195427DPart of the soft palate.M. S. ManningFarrar
Sun Dec 10, 1950103ASoft palate.Jack LuzzattoFarrar
Sun Nov 2, 194723ALobe of the soft palate.Louise RabbFarrar
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