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UNDRESS is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for UNDRESS.

10 total results for UNDRESS( score: 50 )

3 results for UNDRESS from Modern Era puzzles:
Mon Jul 20, 202021AFirst thing to do before changing clothesAlex Eaton-SalnersShortz
Sun Jul 5, 202096APrepare to batheLaura Taylor KinnelShortz
Tue Feb 5, 200825DDisrobePeter A. CollinsShortz
2 results for UNDRESS from Variety puzzles:
Nov 15, 2015AcrosticTStrip, disrobeEmily Cox & Henry RathvonShortz
Nov 30, 2014AcrosticTGet ready for bed or a saunaEmily Cox & Henry RathvonShortz
5 results for UNDRESS from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Tue Nov 22, 198810DGet ready for bedCharles B. WaffellMaleska
Sat Jan 12, 197410DGet ready for a physicalJoseph LaFauciWeng
Thu Mar 30, 196723ADivest of ornament.William LandisFarrar
Mon Nov 10, 195835DDivest of ornament.Joseph LaFauciFarrar
Sat Dec 22, 195638DOrdinary clothing, as opposed to uniform.Madeline CorseFarrar
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