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17 total results for TIRANE( score: 50 )

14 results for TIRANE from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Sun Jan 19, 202060ACapital of Albania (4)Victor BarocasShortz
Thu Jan 9, 202052DCapital of Albania (4)Alex Eaton-SalnersShortz
Sat Jul 20, 201932DCapital on the Balkan PeninsulaSam TrabuccoShortz
Sun Nov 25, 201850ACapital of Albania (4)Joon PahkShortz
Thu Mar 7, 201324AEuropean capital that's majority-MuslimJim PageShortz
Sun Dec 30, 201271AWorld capital that's home to Zog I BoulevardSteve SavoyShortz
Sun Jul 8, 201218ACapital city formerly behind the Iron CurtainJoel FaglianoShortz
Sat Mar 12, 201143DCapital whose central plaza is Skanderbeg SquareJoon PahkShortz
Sun Sep 5, 201048ACapital of Albania (4)Will NedigerShortz
Sat May 20, 200021DCapital near the AdriaticRich NorrisShortz
Sun Jun 14, 199897DCapital city spelled with an umlautManny NosowskyShortz
Fri Aug 9, 199632DEuropean capital (2)D. TullerShortz
Sun Feb 25, 199635DBalkan capitalD. NilesShortz
Thu Mar 17, 199434AEuropean capital (2)Jim PageShortz
3 results for TIRANE from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Jun 1, 196972ACapital of Albania: Var.Jack LuzzattoWeng
Tue Jul 24, 195144AAlbanian capital: Native spelling.UnknownFarrar
Sun Jul 15, 1951141ACapital of Albania: Native sp.Herbert EttensonFarrar
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