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TIFFS is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for TIFFS.

17 total results for TIFFS( score: 50 )

9 results for TIFFS from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Tue Feb 6, 202426DDust-upsVictor BarocasShortz
Sun Feb 4, 202451DPetty argumentsDaniel GrinbergShortz
Sun Apr 8, 201811DSmall scrapsPatrick BerryShortz
Sat Jul 23, 20169ALittle rowsDebbie EllerinShortz
Wed Jan 27, 201018DSpats (5)Alan ArbesfeldShortz
Tue Jun 13, 200624DSpats (5)Janet R. BenderShortz
Mon Nov 29, 20041ASpats (5)Kendall Twigg and Nancy SalomonShortz
Sun Dec 8, 2002124DSpats (5)Peter GordonShortz
Sun Jan 3, 199985DSpats (5)Randolph RossShortz
8 results for TIFFS from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Fri Aug 3, 199019DSpatsDaniel GirardiMaleska
Sat Jan 10, 198728DSpatsNancy JolineMaleska
Sat Jan 26, 19858DSpatsEli WesoffMaleska
Tue Oct 30, 198433ASpatsNancy McCarthyMaleska
Sat Apr 25, 19811ASpatsWilliam LutwiniakMaleska
Mon Apr 16, 197928ASquabblesSamuel K. FliegnerMaleska
Mon Mar 31, 197553DSpatsDorothea E. ShippWeng
Tue Dec 19, 197251DDustupsUnknownWeng
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