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12 total results for TEATREE( score: 50 )

6 results for TEATREE from Modern Era puzzles:
Mon Jan 8, 202440DSource of an extract used in aromatherapyNate CardinShortz
Tue Jun 28, 202215ATraditional medicine uses its oilScott GrahamShortz
Sat Jun 4, 202238ASource of oils used in wellnessScott EarlShortz
Thu Jan 19, 201715APlant with fragrant leavesJacob StulbergShortz
Fri Jul 2, 201041DSource of an essential oil with medicinal propertiesPaula GamacheShortz
Tue Aug 11, 200943DSource of an oil used in aromatherapyOliver HillShortz
6 results for TEATREE from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Sep 9, 197941ASource of a beverageA. J. SantoraMaleska
Sun Sep 19, 196545AAfrican shrub.A. J. SantoraFarrar
Sat Dec 29, 196241DValuable plant of the Orient.A. J. SantoraFarrar
Sun Oct 18, 195944AShrub indigenous to China.Hume R. CraftFarrar
Sun Jun 10, 19567DPlant of the Orient.Roberta MorseFarrar
Thu Nov 30, 195035AValuable shrub grown in China.UnknownFarrar
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