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14 total results for SUVS( score: 50 )

13 results for SUVS from Modern Era puzzles:
Wed May 29, 202418DExplorers and others, in briefJeanne Breen and Jeff ChenFagliano
Mon May 27, 202444AHighlanders and Foresters, e.g.Christopher YoungsFagliano
Thu Jan 18, 20241DExpeditions, e.g.Jon Michnovicz and Carl MichnoviczShortz
Fri Feb 17, 202343DBroncos, but not Impalas, in briefJem BurchShortz
Wed Jul 17, 201950AAlternatives to wagonsAda NicolleShortz
Sun Sep 9, 201851DExplorers and ExpeditionsHal MooreShortz
Mon Dec 19, 201621AExplorer and Escalade, in briefJason MuellerShortz
Mon Apr 13, 20157DSome 4x4sAlex SilvermanShortz
Sun Jun 2, 201346ABlazers, e.g., in briefElizabeth C. GorskiShortz
Sun Jan 6, 20135DYukon and Tahoe, for shortDan Feyer and Andrea Carla MichaelsShortz
Wed Sep 14, 201114DSome 4WD ridesJeff ChenShortz
Tue Mar 30, 20101AExplorers on a hwy., e.g.Elizabeth C. GorskiShortz
Thu Oct 22, 200949AExplorer and NavigatorJoel FaglianoShortz
1 result for SUVS from Variety puzzles:
Mar 17, 2013Diagramless46AExplorer and others, in briefFred PiscopShortz
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