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8 total results for STKS( score: 25 )

2 results for STKS from Modern Era puzzles:
Sun Oct 6, 201915DParts of a portfolio: Abbr.Howard Barkin and Victor BarocasShortz
Wed May 30, 201258DNasdaq listings: Abbr.David J. KahnShortz
6 results for STKS from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Dec 16, 199049DN.Y.S.E. abbr.Sandy GrafMaleska
Fri Dec 7, 199066AWall St. itemsEileen LexauMaleska
Sun Jan 5, 198668DItems for N.Y.S.E.Julian OchrymowychMaleska
Sat Nov 29, 197514DWall St. itemsJordan S. LasherWeng
Wed Dec 4, 196365AHoldings of a sort: Abbr.S. A. KayFarrar
Sat Sep 20, 195867AWall Street items:Abbr.Jack LuzzattoFarrar
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