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37 total results for RPMS( score: 50 )

25 results for RPMS from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Mon Aug 28, 202372ATach readings, for short (2)Brian CallahanShortz
Wed Aug 9, 202353DTurntable speeds, for shortCaryn Robbins and Matthew StockShortz
Thu Mar 10, 202210A33 1/3, 45 and 78, for shortJohn WestwigShortz
Sun Dec 26, 202135DRecord speeds, for short (2)Christina IversonShortz
Fri May 1, 202015DEngine stats (2)Trenton CharlsonShortz
Sun Apr 19, 2020104ATurntable rates, in briefJack Mowat and Jeff ChenShortz
Sun Jan 13, 201969DTach readings (5)Andy KravisShortz
Thu Dec 29, 201639ATurntable speeds, brieflyKevan ChosetShortz
Mon Apr 21, 201454DTurntable rates, for shortJohn LiebShortz
Sat Aug 18, 20126AStats for DVDsDana MotleyShortz
Tue Jan 10, 201261DDashboard readings, for shortGary CeeShortz
Sat Dec 31, 201131DCD rate?Joe KrozelShortz
Sun Aug 21, 201115A33 1/3 and othersAlan ArbesfeldShortz
Mon Mar 29, 201034ATach readings (5)John DunnShortz
Sat Jul 14, 200748AHigh ones may produce a roarVictor FlemingShortz
Thu Aug 17, 200649ATach readings (5)Harvey EstesShortz
Tue Mar 21, 200610A33 1/3 and 45, for shortLevi DenhamShortz
Fri Jan 13, 200658AAuto performance factor, informallyEric BerlinShortz
Sun Nov 13, 200566AEngine measures: Abbr.Brendan Emmett QuigleyShortz
Sun Aug 10, 200376DTach readings, for short (2)Cathy MillhauserShortz
Sat Mar 1, 200349DTach readings (5)Randolph RossShortz
Tue Nov 9, 199953DRecord speeds, for short (2)Elizabeth C. GorskiShortz
Tue Feb 23, 199947DTach readings (5)Robert ZimmermanShortz
Sun Jan 5, 199786AEngine stats (2)W. R. WilliamsShortz
Fri Jan 21, 199452D45 and 78, e.g.A.J. SantoraShortz
1 result for RPMS from Variety puzzles:
Apr 1, 2001Diagramless3DTach. readingsPeter GordonShortz
11 results for RPMS from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Oct 25, 199236DWhat tachometers rec.Calista LuminatiMaleska
Wed Sep 14, 198819AMechanics' concerns: Abbr.Melvin KenworthyMaleska
Sun Mar 6, 198844ARotation speeds: Abbr.Maura B. JacobsonMaleska
Thu Nov 8, 19849ADisk speedsShirley SolowayMaleska
Sat Sep 1, 198452DTachometer rdgs.Larry GoldhirschMaleska
Thu May 28, 198163AMeasures of interest to a deejayJim ModneyMaleska
Tue Oct 14, 198032DLetters denoting motor speedCarol DuttingMaleska
Sat Sep 25, 197119AEngine speeds: Abbr.UnknownWeng
Sat Mar 6, 197132DCar mechanics' concerns: Abbr.UnknownWeng
Mon Jun 30, 196942DTachometer readings: Abbr.UnknownWeng
Wed Dec 29, 19651DTachometer reading.UnknownFarrar
Anagrams:MSRP, MRPS
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