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REPAVE is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for REPAVE.

19 total results for REPAVE( score: 50 )

9 results for REPAVE from Modern Era puzzles:
Sun Jun 6, 202178DMaintain, in a way, as a highwayRobyn WeintraubShortz
Wed May 23, 201224AFix, as a driveEric WilliamsShortz
Tue Jan 10, 201261ABlacktop again, e.g.Gary CeeShortz
Thu Oct 30, 200316APut a new face on, sayPatrick BerryShortz
Sat Sep 14, 200254AGet rid of the holes in, maybeBruce L. BlivenShortz
Thu Jun 13, 200227AEliminate the potholes in, sayDavid J. KahnShortz
Sat Sep 5, 199826DDo some roadworkThomas W. SchierShortz
Mon Apr 20, 199849DLay down fresh tarJohn D. LeavyShortz
Fri Dec 17, 199331AFill driveway holesJames NealShortz
10 results for REPAVE from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Aug 16, 199231ADo roadworkIrene SmullyanMaleska
Fri Jul 19, 199128AFix a freewayMartin Ashwood-SmithMaleska
Fri Dec 29, 198941DMend a highwayWilliam BaxleyMaleska
Sat Dec 23, 198948DMend a roadS. E. WilkinsonMaleska
Thu May 10, 197914DDo road workWeilMaleska
Sun Jun 12, 197778ADo road workJay ScottMaleska
Sun Mar 28, 1976102ADo street repairRuth N. SchultzWeng
Thu Jan 2, 197550AFix potholesBert BeamanWeng
Tue Sep 7, 197149DDo road workUnknownWeng
Sun Jun 10, 1956102AImprove the street.Roberta MorseFarrar
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