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PROGRAM is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for PROGRAM.

19 total results for PROGRAM( score: 50 )

5 results for PROGRAM from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Tue Oct 1, 202439D"Get with the ___!"Kevin Curry and Jeff ChenFagliano
Sun Jul 30, 202391DPlay thing?John KugelmanShortz
Thu Feb 28, 201364AShow (2)Joe KrozelShortz
Mon Jul 4, 200545DWrite computer instructionsNancy SalomonShortz
Sun Nov 13, 199410DShow (2)Frank A. LongoShortz
14 results for PROGRAM from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Thu Aug 5, 199310DAgendaRand H. BurnsMaleska
Mon Jun 7, 199310DTV offeringBill PolvogtMaleska
Mon Mar 25, 198545DPlanEvelyn BenshoofMaleska
Tue Jun 7, 19835DBall-park purchaseLois SidwayMaleska
Fri Mar 25, 19831DMartin Beck give-awayJack L. SteinhardtMaleska
Wed Jan 14, 19767DPlaybillJordan S. LasherWeng
Fri Oct 9, 197010DUsher's offeringUnknownWeng
Sun Jul 9, 1961133AList of events.Threba JohnsonFarrar
Thu Feb 23, 196133ACourse of action.UnknownFarrar
Wed Dec 23, 195954APrepare data for a computer.UnknownFarrar
Sat Aug 22, 195939APlaybill.Louis SabinFarrar
Wed Oct 1, 195816ATV fare.UnknownFarrar
Thu Nov 13, 195238DMusic in the air.UnknownFarrar
Wed Jun 27, 195160APlaybill.J. F. KellyFarrar
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