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PLATOON is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for PLATOON.

17 total results for PLATOON( score: 50 )

8 results for PLATOON from Modern Era puzzles:
Fri Jul 23, 202138ACompany divisionMichael HawkinsShortz
Sat Feb 13, 202135DPart of a companyWill NedigerShortz
Sun Jan 31, 202164ABest Picture winner that was banned in VietnamJim HilgerShortz
Wed Sep 14, 201644DIt's smaller than a companyDan SchoenholzShortz
Wed Oct 6, 200444D1986 Best PictureAdam CohenShortz
Mon Feb 4, 200245AArmy outfitGregory E. PaulShortz
Wed Jan 23, 200260AStone workAlan ArbesfeldShortz
Sun Aug 20, 19959DTroop groupCathy MillhauserShortz
1 result for PLATOON from Variety puzzles:
Feb 27, 2011Cryptic19APhilosophical pioneer running military unit (7)Brian GreerShortz
8 results for PLATOON from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Fri Mar 27, 199236AOscar film: 1986Tap OsbornMaleska
Sun Mar 22, 199262D"L.A. on top"Bernard MerenMaleska
Thu Jul 5, 199042DOliver Stone's Oscar winner 1986Kenneth WitteMaleska
Sun Oct 24, 198210DPolice unitFrances HansenMaleska
Thu Jun 22, 197816ATroop groupWilliam LutwiniakMaleska
Sun Jan 4, 1976109AOffensive or defensiveStanley GlassWeng
Sun Jan 16, 196656ALieutenant's command.W. E. JonesFarrar
Thu Apr 5, 195151AA lieutenant's command.UnknownFarrar
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