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12 total results for PINENUT( score: 50 )

11 results for PINENUT from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Tue Oct 1, 202412DPesto ingredient (3)Kevin Curry and Jeff ChenFagliano
Sun Jan 17, 202193APesto ingredient (3)Tracy Gray and Tom PepperShortz
Sat Nov 21, 202035ACouscous tidbitSam EzerskyShortz
Sat Feb 2, 201939DFlavorful seedDavid SteinbergShortz
Thu Nov 29, 201835DPesto ingredient (3)Herre SchouwerwouShortz
Fri Jul 24, 201538DBiscotto bitPatrick BerryShortz
Sat Aug 9, 201419ACouscous ingredientJosh KnappShortz
Sat Jun 21, 201417AEdible in a coneBrad Wilber and Byron WaldenShortz
Mon May 20, 201364ACrunchy bit ground up in pestoTim CroceShortz
Fri Mar 15, 201330AOften-toasted seedJoe KrozelShortz
Sat Oct 4, 200318APesto bitBrendan Emmett QuigleyShortz
1 result for PINENUT from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Wed Dec 7, 198845DPiƱonJoy L. WoukMaleska
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