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PIGTAIL is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for PIGTAIL.

12 total results for PIGTAIL( score: 50 )

2 results for PIGTAIL from Modern Era puzzles:
Sat Oct 23, 202138APippi Longstocking featureSam EzerskyShortz
Sun Oct 10, 202144DWeave off the shoulder?Brandon KoppyShortz
10 results for PIGTAIL from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Nov 17, 199190AType of screw hookJune A. BoggsMaleska
Sat Aug 23, 196922AHair style for yesterday's girl.UnknownWeng
Sun Mar 10, 1968109AGirlish thing.William A. Lewis, Jr.Farrar
Sun Oct 2, 1966129AEarly schoolgirl's coif.Will WengFarrar
Sat Jun 4, 196624DQueue.Arthur SchulmanFarrar
Tue Jun 6, 196112DHair-do.UnknownFarrar
Tue Sep 13, 195526DBack-to-school hair-do.Thomas MeekinFarrar
Sun Jan 18, 195383DHair-do.Israel GitterFarrar
Mon Jan 21, 195239AYounger set hairdo.UnknownFarrar
Sun Oct 16, 194967DBraid.Harold T. BersFarrar
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