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PAWNED is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for PAWNED.

14 total results for PAWNED( score: 50 )

6 results for PAWNED from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Tue Oct 1, 20244AExchanged for cash, in a wayKevin Curry and Jeff ChenFagliano
Mon Aug 22, 20228DReceived quick cash for, in a wayDoug Burnikel and Zhouqin BurnikelShortz
Fri Jun 11, 202127DPut in hockMatthew StockShortz
Wed Sep 26, 20126DIn hock (2)Peter A. CollinsShortz
Sun Apr 17, 200510DIn hock (2)Manny NosowskyShortz
Mon Apr 28, 200310DHockedJim HyresShortz
8 results for PAWNED from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Mar 1, 199288AImpignoratedEmanuel BergMaleska
Mon Oct 28, 199142APledged; riskedErnie FurtadoMaleska
Mon Apr 6, 19815DImpignoratedElio DesiderioMaleska
Wed Apr 30, 197561APatronized a certain brokerAnn JenkinsWeng
Wed Nov 23, 196653APledged.UnknownFarrar
Fri May 15, 196423DGiven as security.UnknownFarrar
Sat Apr 19, 195847DDeposited in pledge.A. H. Drummond, Jr.Farrar
Sun Jul 10, 1949132A"Hocked."Charles CrossFarrar
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