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OUTWIT is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for OUTWIT.

24 total results for OUTWIT( score: 50 )

6 results for OUTWIT from Modern Era puzzles:
Tue Jul 11, 202348DGet the better of mentallyAaron M. RosenbergShortz
Sun Jul 22, 201834ABest in mental competitionPatrick MerrellShortz
Fri Mar 25, 201116ABest in calculating?Mike NothnagelShortz
Thu Jan 29, 20094ABest in mental combatBarry C. SilkShortz
Mon Mar 26, 200118DThink faster thanGregory E. PaulShortz
Sun Oct 31, 199948DSteal a march onFrank A. LongoShortz
5 results for OUTWIT from Variety puzzles:
Nov 6, 2022AcrosticOTrump with more brainpowerEmily Cox & Henry RathvonShortz
Mar 31, 2019AcrosticCDefeat in a battle of brainsEmily Cox & Henry RathvonShortz
Aug 25, 2013AcrosticOBest with brainpowerEmily Cox & Henry RathvonShortz
Dec 12, 2010Panda17ABest in thinking? Oh, you numbskull!Mel TaubShortz
Sep 5, 2004AcrosticTBest with brainworkEmily Cox & Henry RathvonShortz
13 results for OUTWIT from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Feb 21, 199324AFinesseBert H. KruseMaleska
Thu Oct 15, 19925DRun circles aroundNorma SteinbergMaleska
Thu Feb 20, 199222DDefeat a schemerMargaret W. HuskeyMaleska
Sat Feb 8, 199225AFinesseJesse RoarkeMaleska
Thu Dec 10, 198746DThink fasterCharlotte ShoreMaleska
Sun Dec 16, 197988AFinesseMichael PriestleyMaleska
Sat Apr 2, 197757AGet the better ofManny MillerMaleska
Sun Oct 24, 197675DBe too clever forJohn WilligWeng
Sat Mar 29, 197516ABe more ingeniousArthur SchulmanWeng
Thu May 28, 197058AGo one betterUnknownWeng
Fri Sep 22, 19679DBe cleverer than.William LandisFarrar
Sun Nov 7, 196520AFrustrate.Jack LuzzattoFarrar
Sun Sep 6, 196483AThink faster.Will WengFarrar
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