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12 total results for OSAS( score: 25 )

2 results for OSAS from Modern Era puzzles:
Tue Dec 15, 200945AShe-bears, south of the borderSteve DobisShortz
Fri Feb 16, 200749DCub bearers, in SpainCharles BaraschShortz
10 results for OSAS from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Thu Mar 18, 199355DMother bears: Sp.Bernice GordonMaleska
Thu Feb 11, 19932DFemale bears: Sp.Michael A. RampinoMaleska
Sun Mar 22, 199285AUrsine females, in ÁvilaBernard MerenMaleska
Wed Mar 18, 199223DFemale bears: Sp.Wayne EastmanMaleska
Sat Jan 6, 199020ANamesakes of explorer JohnsonPatterson PeppleMaleska
Sun Oct 4, 198774AExplorer Johnson et al.Caroline G. FitzgeraldMaleska
Fri Apr 16, 197660AExplorer Johnson et al.Dorothy CannanWeng
Sun Dec 21, 197515AShe-bears: Sp.Anne FoxWeng
Wed Aug 21, 19749AExplorer Johnson et al.Bill ScollonWeng
Fri Aug 2, 196833AShe-bears.UnknownFarrar
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