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13 total results for NOTUS( score: 20 )

5 results for NOTUS from Modern Era puzzles:
Sun Nov 17, 201951DThe other guysRandolph RossShortz
Sat Nov 9, 20196DThemNeil Padrick WilsonShortz
Thu Feb 24, 201154AGod of the south windGary CeeShortz
Fri Jul 4, 200842A"We didn't do it!"John UnderwoodShortz
Tue Apr 10, 200171AThem, essentiallyKevin McCannShortz
1 result for NOTUS from Variety puzzles:
Dec 18, 2005Diagramless43DThemBrendan Emmett QuigleyShortz
7 results for NOTUS from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sat Jan 7, 198418DThe south windBert RosenfieldMaleska
Thu Dec 8, 198319DSouth windAlbert J. KlausMaleska
Tue Oct 1, 196834DSouth wind.UnknownFarrar
Sun Nov 12, 196731DSouth wind,Frances HansenFarrar
Fri Apr 23, 196557ASouth wind.UnknownFarrar
Sat Aug 10, 196357ASouth wind.UnknownFarrar
Sun Jan 29, 195018DThe south wind.Elizabeth PattersonFarrar
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