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NEARBY is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for NEARBY.

26 total results for NEARBY( score: 50 )

13 results for NEARBY from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Mon Apr 26, 202128AClose (3)Eric and Lori BornsteinShortz
Tue Apr 13, 202144DClose at hand (2)Michael LiebermanShortz
Mon Sep 17, 201828DIn the areaCaitlin ReidShortz
Fri May 12, 201743DClose (3)Bill Clinton and Victor FlemingShortz
Sun Jun 2, 2013104DClose (3)Elizabeth C. GorskiShortz
Sun Aug 26, 200773AA stone's throw awayAndrew M. Greene and Craig KasperShortz
Tue Sep 20, 20053DJust around the cornerHarriet CliftonShortz
Tue Apr 20, 200449DClose at hand (2)Allan E. ParrishShortz
Tue Nov 18, 200321AWithin earshotDenise M. NeuendorfShortz
Mon Oct 27, 200362AAt handRichard MillerShortz
Wed Sep 3, 200330AWithin a hollerMyles CallumShortz
Sun Sep 12, 199997DIn the neighborhoodNancy Scandrett RossShortz
Thu Apr 8, 199944DNighDavid J. KahnShortz
1 result for NEARBY from Variety puzzles:
Apr 10, 2016Panda40DLike Barney vis-à-vis Fred on "The Flintstones"Mark DiehlShortz
12 results for NEARBY from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Wed Jul 9, 19864DClose at handWhittenMaleska
Mon Aug 27, 19849DCloseVirginia L. YatesMaleska
Wed May 4, 198354AFar from farPeter SwiftMaleska
Sat Feb 21, 198143DAt handVaughn KeithMaleska
Sun Feb 26, 197867ACloseKenneth HaxtonMaleska
Sun Nov 26, 197237ACloseChristine ValenceWeng
Wed Jan 8, 196950DAt hand.UnknownWeng
Tue Dec 26, 19614DAt hand.Arthur SchulmanFarrar
Thu Nov 9, 196146DClose at hand.UnknownFarrar
Fri Mar 18, 195519DClose.Eugene T. MaleskaFarrar
Mon May 5, 195230AAdjacent.UnknownFarrar
Sun Jul 23, 1944126DClose.Alberta N. BurtonFarrar
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