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MINION is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for MINION.

17 total results for MINION( score: 50 )

8 results for MINION from Modern Era puzzles:
Sat Sep 7, 20243DFlunkyDavid P. WilliamsFagliano
Tue May 18, 202154AYellow henchman in "Despicable Me"Margaret SeikelShortz
Thu May 28, 202016AYellow creature in a series of hit animated filmsTracy BennettShortz
Sun May 24, 202015D"Despicable Me" characterAndrew ChaikinShortz
Wed Aug 15, 201845DUnderlingKathy WienbergShortz
Fri Jan 8, 20165DBoris or Natasha, to Fearless LeaderPeter A. CollinsShortz
Thu Jan 27, 200549ALowly assistantJim HyresShortz
Sun Aug 24, 200366ASubordinatePatrick BerryShortz
1 result for MINION from Variety puzzles:
Dec 3, 2023AcrosticBLackey, flunkyDavid Balton & Jane StewartShortz
8 results for MINION from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Wed Apr 20, 198345ASize of typeAnsteyMaleska
Fri Aug 13, 197631AYes-manAdelyn LewisWeng
Fri Oct 23, 197042ASize of typeUnknownWeng
Sun Jul 23, 196769D7-point type.W. E. JonesFarrar
Thu May 11, 196110DSize of type, 7 point.UnknownFarrar
Sat Jan 7, 19611D7-point type.UnknownFarrar
Fri May 6, 195510DFawning favorite.Eugene T. MaleskaFarrar
Sun Mar 11, 19513D7-pt. type.Ralph AndersonFarrar
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