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MEEKER is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for MEEKER.

17 total results for MEEKER( score: 50 )

9 results for MEEKER from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Thu Jun 23, 202211DMore submissive (2)Jeff ChenShortz
Mon Jun 6, 20229DMore timidMichael SchlossbergShortz
Wed Dec 12, 201846DNot as assertiveDavid J. KahnShortz
Mon Mar 31, 200844ALess boldJeff ArmstrongShortz
Wed Mar 21, 200747DNot so boldEd EarlyShortz
Wed Mar 7, 200752ALess assertiveRichard SilvestriShortz
Tue Feb 11, 20033DMore sheepishMyles CallumShortz
Wed Jul 25, 200150DRalph of "Kiss Me Deadly"Richard HughesShortz
Tue Apr 30, 199643DMore submissive (2)G. E. PaulShortz
8 results for MEEKER from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Apr 15, 199059AFormer actor RalphJudith C. DaltonMaleska
Fri Feb 27, 198146DLess aggressiveRobert KatzMaleska
Thu Mar 22, 197943ANot so belligerentDana GrossMaleska
Sun Nov 10, 1968120DMore docileWill WengFarrar
Fri Jun 3, 196627DMore humble.UnknownFarrar
Mon Jul 7, 19584DMore patient and mild.S. A. KayFarrar
Wed May 5, 195443DMore submissive.UnknownFarrar
Sun Feb 6, 1949108AMilder of temper.G. A. K. SuttonFarrar
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