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13 total results for MCJOB( score: 50 )

12 results for MCJOB from Modern Era puzzles:
Wed Jan 3, 202450DMundane employment, derisivelyJared GoudsmitShortz
Wed Oct 26, 202227DUninspiring or low-paying workSimeon SeigelShortz
Wed Oct 12, 202248DMinimum wage employment, informallyDrew SchmennerShortz
Thu Apr 7, 20229AMenial positionLucy Howard and Ross TrudeauShortz
Sun Oct 18, 201541DDead-end positionDan SchoenholzShortz
Thu Oct 2, 201456DUnfulfilling workDavid WoolfShortz
Sun Oct 10, 201012DLow-level positionPatrick MerrellShortz
Sat Aug 28, 201045DNot the most stimulating workXan VongsathornShortz
Fri Sep 11, 20095APosition with no prospectsCaleb MadisonShortz
Tue Jan 24, 20061DNot the most rewarding workDavid SullivanShortz
Fri Jan 31, 200326DGoing-nowhere position, in modern lingoBrendan Emmett QuigleyShortz
Sat Oct 13, 20019AUnexciting, low-paid work, in modern lingoJim PageShortz
1 result for MCJOB from Variety puzzles:
May 24, 2015Diagramless48DMenial workPaula GamacheShortz
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