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LUFF is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for LUFF.

11 total results for LUFF( score: 25 )

1 result for LUFF from Modern Era puzzles:
Sun Aug 30, 201584ASteer closer to the windLee TaylorShortz
10 results for LUFF from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Wed Dec 30, 199231DSail into the windMichael A. RampinoMaleska
Tue Dec 22, 19922DRaise the jib of a craneArthur S. VerdescaMaleska
Wed Sep 17, 198039ASail nearer the windJean J. DavisonMaleska
Tue Mar 23, 197134DHead into the windUnknownWeng
Sun Nov 28, 196570DYacht-race maneuver.Will WengFarrar
Mon Apr 13, 196458ASailing term.UnknownFarrar
Tue Nov 5, 196355ANautical term.Arthur SchulmanFarrar
Thu Jun 14, 19625ASailing term.Louise EarnestFarrar
Sun May 14, 196147ANautical maneuver.Christine ValenceFarrar
Sun Apr 23, 196110DSailing term.W. E. JonesFarrar
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