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17 total results for LETEM( score: 50 )

13 results for LETEM from Modern Era puzzles:
Sun Mar 10, 202418A"We're not standin' in their way!"Enrique Henestroza Anguiano and Matthew StockShortz
Tue Aug 1, 202349A"They can go right ahead!"Kathryn LadnerShortz
Thu Jun 15, 202325A"They should just go ahead and do that"David HarrisShortz
Mon Nov 29, 202126D"See if I care what they do!," informallyEnrique Henestroza AnguianoShortz
Fri Jul 23, 202123A"Sure, they can go right ahead"Michael HawkinsShortz
Fri Jul 2, 202130D"Eh, they can do that"Brooke Husic and Ada NicolleShortz
Sun Jan 5, 201446D"I don't care what they do"Alan DerKazarianShortz
Wed Oct 13, 201064A"I don't care if they do"Alan ArbesfeldShortz
Wed Dec 19, 20071A"___ Eat Cake" (1930s musical)Victor FlemingShortz
Sun Feb 26, 200687DWings hit "___ In"Randolph RossShortz
Thu Oct 7, 200416A"I'm not gonna stand in their way"Patrick MerrellShortz
Tue Feb 6, 200121DGershwin's "___ Eat Cake"Sherry O. BlackardShortz
Mon Jun 3, 199644A"___Eat Cake"S. L. RobbinsShortz
4 results for LETEM from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Jul 14, 1991101D"___ Eat Cake," 1933 musicalBert RosenfieldMaleska
Sun Feb 9, 1986112AGershwin's "___ Eat Cake"Alfio MicciMaleska
Sun Mar 7, 19822DGershwin's "___ Eat Cake"Mary Virginia OrnaMaleska
Sun Aug 23, 198181D"___ Eat Cake," 1933 musicalArnold MossMaleska
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