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KAYO is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for KAYO.

33 total results for KAYO( score: 50 )

17 results for KAYO from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Thu Oct 14, 202125DPrizefight endingMatt FuchsShortz
Wed Jul 8, 202043DPugilist's goalChase DittrichShortz
Mon Dec 25, 201735AClobber in the ringLynn LempelShortz
Wed Oct 19, 20169APut down for the countTom PepperShortz
Sun Apr 19, 2015111DFloor (2)Don Gagliardo and Zhouqin BurnikelShortz
Sat Jan 11, 201424DDeckMartin Ashwood-SmithShortz
Tue Jun 26, 201219ASend to the canvas (3)Mike TorchShortz
Wed Apr 16, 200813DDrop for the countEdward SessaShortz
Tue Apr 1, 200851DBout-ending slugManny NosowskyShortz
Mon Jan 15, 20075AWallop in the boxing ringDavid PringleShortz
Thu Dec 9, 200411DBig beltPaula GamacheShortz
Fri Jul 19, 20027DHuge hitElizabeth C. GorskiShortz
Mon Dec 4, 20005ASend to the canvas (3)Eileen LexauShortz
Sun Feb 20, 20005DLay flatTrip PayneShortz
Thu Mar 19, 199855DSend to the canvas (3)Manny NosowskyShortz
Sun Jun 9, 19964DFloor (2)M. GaffneyShortz
Thu Jan 20, 199467AA final blowLois SidwayShortz
16 results for KAYO from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Wed May 5, 199366AKnockoutJune A. BoggsMaleska
Wed Jul 3, 19919DMoon Mullins's brotherC. McInerneyMaleska
Fri Aug 17, 199027DMoon Mullins's bratty brotherEli WesoffMaleska
Sun Aug 12, 199057DLand a haymakerWalter CovellMaleska
Sun Jan 11, 198773ABrother of Moon MullinsDerrick C. NiedermanMaleska
Wed Jan 21, 198170AWhat Aussies call a stonkerMarie WestMaleska
Sun Jul 31, 197714DNumbing blowTom MixonMaleska
Sun Apr 17, 197717DRing victoryJordan S. LasherMaleska
Sun Nov 18, 197337DLand a haymakerEugene T. MaleskaWeng
Fri Aug 24, 197311DBoxer's goalUnknownWeng
Sun Jun 3, 197360DBoxer's goalAnne FoxWeng
Tue Aug 8, 196769ARing term.Martha J. DeWittFarrar
Sun Oct 20, 1963106DBoxing term.Tom MixonFarrar
Thu May 3, 196263AFight finish.Joseph CrowellFarrar
Mon Aug 26, 195725ABoxing term.Helen FasuloFarrar
Sun Feb 12, 195666DRing term.Eugene T. MaleskaFarrar
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