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INDOORS is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for INDOORS.

10 total results for INDOORS( score: 50 )

4 results for INDOORS from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Mon Aug 22, 202221AAway from the sun, sayDoug Burnikel and Zhouqin BurnikelShortz
Mon Aug 15, 202245DNot alfresco (2)Simon MarotteShortz
Sat Jun 11, 201116AWhere it never rainsGary CeeShortz
Wed Jun 21, 199533ANot alfresco (2)Dorothea E. ShippShortz
6 results for INDOORS from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sat Oct 10, 199242DNot al frescoRalph G. BeamanMaleska
Fri Oct 24, 198627ANot under the stars or sunEli WesoffMaleska
Sat Sep 18, 197619AOut of the rainJim PageWeng
Thu Oct 5, 197245DWhere to stay on a rainy dayUnknownWeng
Tue Jun 18, 19638DNot alfresco.UnknownFarrar
Sat Aug 19, 196139AOut of the rain.UnknownFarrar
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