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16 total results for ILLGO( score: 50 )

15 results for ILLGO from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Wed May 1, 202431DVolunteer's wordsJuliana Tringali GoldenFagliano
Sun Jun 18, 202390A"You stay here"Joe DiPietroShortz
Wed Sep 14, 202236DVolunteer's offer (2)Michael DeweyShortz
Sat May 22, 202117A"Take me with you!"Sid Sivakumar and Matthew StockShortz
Wed Jun 24, 202050D"My turn"Joe DeeneyShortz
Tue Jun 16, 202064A"Send me!" (3)Alex Eaton-SalnersShortz
Thu Dec 29, 201615A"Send me" (3)Kevan ChosetShortz
Tue Jun 28, 201663AVolunteer's phraseAlex VratsanosShortz
Sun Jan 22, 2012100DVolunteer's cryAdam FrommShortz
Fri Sep 9, 20112D"Any volunteers?" replyJoe KrozelShortz
Wed Jan 5, 201128D"Send me" (3)Mr. Ed SessaShortz
Thu Sep 17, 200960AVolunteer's declarationArthur SchulmanShortz
Sun May 18, 2008119AResponse to "Any volunteers?"Brendan Emmett QuigleyShortz
Wed Jan 25, 20065DVolunteer's offer (2)John FarmerShortz
Tue Nov 2, 200435DVolunteer's statementPatrick MerrellShortz
1 result for ILLGO from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Fri Sep 4, 199225A"___ Home With Bonnie Jean," 1947 songCalista LuminatiMaleska
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