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21 total results for IDIDIT( score: 50 )

20 results for IDIDIT from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Thu Oct 28, 202151D"Yay, me!"Alan MassengillShortz
Sun Oct 17, 20213DCry of success (3)Jeff ChenShortz
Thu Feb 13, 202047D"Go me!"Amanda Chung and Karl NiShortz
Sun Jun 30, 20198AVictorious cryEmily CarrollShortz
Sun May 7, 2017114ACry of jubilation ... or guiltNatan Last, Finn Vigeland and the J.A.S.A. Crossword ClassShortz
Thu Dec 22, 201636DVictor's cryMark MacLachlanShortz
Mon Feb 9, 201547DExultant cry (2)Lynn LempelShortz
Wed Apr 16, 201450DCry of success (3)Michael DeweyShortz
Sun Aug 18, 201398DCry of victoryElizabeth C. GorskiShortz
Sun Jan 18, 2009124AExultant cry (2)Randolph RossShortz
Thu Jan 1, 200945D"Hurray for me!" (4)Alan ArbesfeldShortz
Tue Jul 3, 200749D"Finally finished!"Norma JohnsonShortz
Thu Oct 20, 200521D"Hurray for me!" (4)Manny NosowskyShortz
Tue Feb 22, 200514ATriumphant cryEd EarlyShortz
Tue May 18, 200446D"Hurray for me!" (4)Elizabeth C. GorskiShortz
Wed Nov 20, 200253D"Hurray for me!" (4)Manny NosowskyShortz
Sun Nov 11, 200184DCry of accomplishmentJoe DiPietroShortz
Tue Mar 30, 199946D"Yippee!"Randy SowellShortz
Thu Apr 30, 199859A"Hurray!"Kelly ClarkShortz
Sun Sep 24, 199579ACry of success (3)Randolph RossShortz
1 result for IDIDIT from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Thu Dec 16, 197632DWords of triumphRemleyWeng
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