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HOORAH is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for HOORAH.

15 total results for HOORAH( score: 50 )

13 results for HOORAH from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Tue Oct 1, 202420ATriumphant shout (2)Kevin Curry and Jeff ChenFagliano
Thu Sep 17, 202014A"Whoopee!"Simeon SeigelShortz
Sun Mar 15, 202022A"Yay!" (3)Nancy Stark and Will NedigerShortz
Tue Oct 22, 201915AHowl of happinessSaul PinkShortz
Mon Mar 9, 201510DOld-fashioned "Yay!"Debbie EllerinShortz
Wed Jun 27, 200715A"Yippee!"Barbara OlsonShortz
Tue Dec 12, 200622D"Yay!" (3)Stephen Manion and Victor FlemingShortz
Thu Aug 11, 200541D"Way to go!" (2)Michael ShteymanShortz
Wed Apr 9, 200325A"Way to go!" (2)Greg StaplesShortz
Thu Dec 19, 200246DTriumphant shout (2)Patrick BerryShortz
Sun Aug 4, 20022DOld-fashioned "Yippee!"Robert MalinowShortz
Sun Nov 12, 200073D"Yay!" (3)Joe DiPietroShortz
Tue Nov 8, 199419DCheerRichard HughesShortz
2 results for HOORAH from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Wed Jul 3, 199151DFanfareC. McInerneyMaleska
Sun May 16, 197119DShoutJack RosenthalWeng
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