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27 total results for HOOHA( score: 50 )

25 results for HOOHA from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Thu Aug 31, 202364AKerfuffle (5)Freddie ChengShortz
Mon Aug 21, 202326DKerfuffle (5)Jennifer NuttShortz
Wed Apr 19, 202353ABig commotionJoe DeeneyShortz
Tue Aug 23, 202243ACommotion, informallyTrey MendezShortz
Mon Aug 22, 202243ACommotion (2)Doug Burnikel and Zhouqin BurnikelShortz
Thu Feb 3, 202256AWhoop-de-do (2)Adam WagnerShortz
Mon Jun 15, 202054DCommotion, in slangOlivia Mitra FramkeShortz
Thu Apr 11, 201940ACommotion (2)Brendan Emmett QuigleyShortz
Mon Apr 8, 201937ABig to-do (2)Tracy Gray and Jeff ChenShortz
Thu Nov 9, 201724DKerfuffle (5)Bruce HaightShortz
Wed Oct 12, 201645DHullabaloo (3)Jeff ChenShortz
Fri Oct 12, 20122DKerfuffle (5)Martin Ashwood-SmithShortz
Wed Oct 26, 201132AFoofaraw (2)Milo BeckmanShortz
Thu Apr 20, 200626DKerfuffle (5)Joe DiPietroShortz
Tue Apr 11, 200616AHubbubLee Glickstein and Nancy SalomonShortz
Sun Mar 19, 200614DTo-doMichael ShteymanShortz
Fri Nov 11, 200530DFlutterEric BerlinShortz
Tue Oct 11, 200546DBig to-do (2)Mike TorchShortz
Tue Dec 10, 200268AFuss (2)John UnderwoodShortz
Tue Dec 3, 20025DWhoop-de-do (2)Tyler HinmanShortz
Sat Sep 28, 200256DFuss (2)Raymond HamelShortz
Fri Dec 28, 200126AFoofaraw (2)Manny NosowskyShortz
Mon Sep 17, 200121AHullabaloo (3)Peter GordonShortz
Fri Oct 8, 199924DStirNancy SalomonShortz
Sun Jul 9, 199598DHullabaloo (3)Nancy Nicholson JolineShortz
2 results for HOOHA from Variety puzzles:
May 29, 2011Diagramless53DBig to-doPatrick BlindauerShortz
Jan 7, 2001Diagramless68DUproarPeter GordonShortz
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