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GUTSY is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for GUTSY.

16 total results for GUTSY( score: 50 )

13 results for GUTSY from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Tue Sep 29, 202069ARequiring nerveRicky CruzShortz
Fri Sep 11, 202014DFull of gritCaitlin Reid and Erik AgardShortz
Fri Dec 16, 201650AFull of moxieMartin Ashwood-Smith and George BaranyShortz
Fri Jun 6, 201447DBold (3)Kameron Austin CollinsShortz
Tue Apr 8, 201424AFull of nerve (3)Ian LivengoodShortz
Sun Feb 9, 2014105ABold (3)Charles M. DeberShortz
Mon Aug 13, 201270AFull of nerve (3)Gareth BainShortz
Mon Sep 20, 201039ADaring (2)Bernice GordonShortz
Sun Sep 14, 200838ADaring (2)Jeremy NewtonShortz
Sun Jun 2, 200229ABold (3)Frank LongoShortz
Mon Sep 6, 199953DFull of nerve (3)Manny NosowskyShortz
Mon Jun 21, 199935AValiantGregory E. PaulShortz
Thu Feb 4, 199933ABraveRich NorrisShortz
3 results for GUTSY from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Oct 19, 198668DSpunkyNancy Scandrett RossMaleska
Wed Jul 2, 198643ACourageousKenneth WitteMaleska
Fri Mar 7, 19869ADaringS. E. WilkinsonMaleska
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