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GONGS is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for GONGS.

29 total results for GONGS( score: 50 )

13 results for GONGS from Modern Era puzzles:
Sun Oct 17, 202145AGamelan instrumentsJeff ChenShortz
Mon Oct 26, 201525DInstruments hit with malletsBruce HaightShortz
Sat May 19, 201245DThey may be heard in a templePatrick BerryShortz
Fri Jun 11, 201024ADinner signalsJohn DunnShortz
Mon Aug 24, 200927DPagoda instrumentsAnthony J. SalviaShortz
Sun Aug 2, 200960DRound percussion instrumentsPatrick BerryShortz
Tue Jan 2, 200722APagoda sightsSarah KellerShortz
Tue Jan 10, 200654ABuddhist temple sightsDavid J. KahnShortz
Sun Nov 4, 200128DPagoda featuresManny NosowskyShortz
Sun Apr 2, 2000102DBig bang producersNancy Salomon and Harvey EstesShortz
Sun Mar 26, 200061AItems hit with hammersManny NosowskyShortz
Mon Feb 7, 20006DDeep bellsGregory E. PaulShortz
Tue May 27, 199733DPagoda soundsStephanie SpadacciniShortz
16 results for GONGS from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Dec 30, 1990112ATam-tamsNancy Scandrett RossMaleska
Sun Dec 16, 199069DTam-tamsSandy GrafMaleska
Mon Apr 3, 198955DLoud bellsSidney L. RobbinsMaleska
Sat Apr 1, 198924DCHROMOSOME COMPONENTErnst TheimerMaleska
Thu Apr 9, 198730DRingside ringersArthur W. PalmerMaleska
Mon Jan 5, 198137AFlat bellsBairdMaleska
Thu Feb 27, 197513DDinner summonersS. Courtney IzsakWeng
Sat Jul 20, 197437AOriental bellsDavid CrosattoWeng
Tue Apr 30, 197436ADinner callersS. A. KayWeng
Sun Sep 9, 197356DJoss-house itemsGladys V. MillerWeng
Tue Feb 20, 196843ATemple bells.UnknownFarrar
Sun Oct 15, 196738DAlarms of a sort.Sidney LambertFarrar
Sun Mar 27, 196669DTam-tams.William A. Lewis, Jr.Farrar
Mon Dec 25, 196130DTemple sounds.UnknownFarrar
Thu Mar 1, 195658ATam-tams.H. L. RisteenFarrar
Sun Dec 5, 194328ATocsins.Louis ShieldsFarrar
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