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FRUIT is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for FRUIT.

34 total results for FRUIT( score: 50 )

14 results for FRUIT from Modern Era puzzles:
Thu Jun 23, 202221DCarnivorous : meat :: carpophagous : ___Jeff ChenShortz
Tue Jun 21, 202222DPeach or persimmonAlex Eaton-SalnersShortz
Wed Dec 2, 202060AType of food whose outsides are suggested by the outsides of 17-, 29-, 43- and 55-AcrossWill NedigerShortz
Wed Nov 26, 201430AMost of the symbols on a traditional slot machineMichael S. MaurerShortz
Tue Feb 28, 201230DMango and guavaRandall J. HartmanShortz
Sun Jan 1, 201247DSmoothie ingredientPatrick BerryShortz
Sun Jul 24, 2011101DSlot machine symbols, oftenKurt MuellerShortz
Sun Nov 14, 201030DCommon dessert ingredientPatrick BerryShortz
Fri Jan 22, 201038AIt's sometimes forbiddenNatan LastShortz
Wed Apr 27, 200566ASome produceLyell RodieckShortz
Mon Oct 18, 200441ATheme of this puzzleSteve KahnShortz
Fri Sep 19, 20039DApples, but not IBM'sManny NosowskyShortz
Wed Dec 20, 200031DPart of a balanced dietAlan ArbesfeldShortz
Tue Jan 30, 199615ATomato, technicallyM. SkolskyShortz
20 results for FRUIT from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Feb 11, 199039DJujube or loquatArnold MossMaleska
Thu Aug 2, 198423ALitchi or loquatBrownMaleska
Thu Apr 23, 198132DPart of some tartsBernice GordonMaleska
Mon Dec 15, 198022DPapaya or muskmelonDavid GalefMaleska
Tue Apr 17, 197919DKind of punch or saladSidney L. RobbinsMaleska
Thu Mar 1, 197928DTomato or green pepperMary Virginia OrnaMaleska
Sun Aug 7, 197725DResultFrances HansenMaleska
Mon Feb 25, 197426DProductWilliam E. HeinemannWeng
Wed Aug 8, 197346ADieter's dessertUnknownWeng
Sat Oct 23, 19713DProductUnknownWeng
Fri Aug 23, 196850DTart ingredient.Louise EarnestFarrar
Thu May 18, 19671DDates.Betty LearyFarrar
Fri Feb 25, 196632AOutcome.UnknownFarrar
Sun Nov 1, 196488AProduct.Threba JohnsonFarrar
Fri Aug 30, 196352APomelo or guava.UnknownFarrar
Mon Nov 12, 196238APopular dessert.UnknownFarrar
Mon Nov 2, 19599DDate.UnknownFarrar
Mon Jan 12, 19595ACitron, for example.H. L. RisteenFarrar
Sun Oct 27, 195797AConsequence of any action.Herbert EttensonFarrar
Thu Oct 12, 195046DPopular dessert.UnknownFarrar
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