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ENMITY is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for ENMITY.

24 total results for ENMITY( score: 50 )

8 results for ENMITY from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Thu Sep 5, 202431DIll will (2)Joe DeeneyFagliano
Sun Feb 4, 202448DHostile state (2)Daniel GrinbergShortz
Fri Feb 2, 20243DBad blood (2)Ryan JudgeShortz
Thu Feb 17, 202246DHostile state (2)Aaron M. RosenbergShortz
Tue May 22, 201848DAntagonismJeff StillmanShortz
Mon Jan 31, 20116DBad blood (2)Andrea Carla MichaelsShortz
Thu Nov 12, 19982DIll will (2)David J. KahnShortz
Fri Feb 7, 19978DRancorR. NorrisShortz
3 results for ENMITY from Variety puzzles:
Jun 26, 2016AcrosticQMutual loathingEmily Cox & Henry RathvonShortz
Aug 16, 2009AcrosticMMutual antagonismEmily Cox & Henry RathvonShortz
Apr 24, 2005Cryptic13ATiny Tim never holds back bad feeling (6)Richard SilvestriShortz
13 results for ENMITY from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Sep 8, 199143DAntagonismRobert H. WolfeMaleska
Thu Aug 13, 198721AHatredJeanette K. BrillMaleska
Sun Dec 27, 1981120DIll willAnne FoxMaleska
Tue Nov 10, 198150AAntagonismKay SullivanMaleska
Mon Jul 9, 197943ARancorAlfio MicciMaleska
Wed Mar 26, 197534AIll willSamuel H. BarkanWeng
Tue Feb 19, 197416DAnimosityDiana SessionsWeng
Sun Jul 11, 19715DAntagonismEdward J. O'BrienWeng
Sun May 12, 1968130AAntagonism.Arnold MossFarrar
Fri Nov 8, 196338AHostility.Christine R. ValenceFarrar
Wed Mar 22, 19618DHostility.Louise EarnestFarrar
Sun Jul 31, 194920DHostility.Max GeistFarrar
Sun Nov 9, 194741DFeeling not uncommon among opera stars.Louis JenkinsFarrar
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