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EMOJI is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for EMOJI.

25 total results for EMOJI( score: 60 )

24 results for EMOJI from Modern Era puzzles:
Tue Apr 2, 20249AMelting Face or Heart HandsBilly BrattonFagliano
Sun Feb 25, 202413DKind of keyboardScott Hogan and Katie HaleShortz
Sun Feb 11, 2024118ACharacter with characterPeter KoettersShortz
Tue Feb 6, 202453DNontext component of a textVictor BarocasShortz
Wed Dec 20, 202343ASpeechless expressionBrad WiegmannShortz
Thu Jul 14, 202238AGraphic text?Alan ArbesfeldShortz
Tue Dec 22, 202046AFace With Tears of Joy, for oneAmy Yanni and Jeff ChenShortz
Sun Dec 6, 202016DPrayer hands, for oneTony OrbachShortz
Thu Jul 9, 202061AFace of modern technologyJoe KiddShortz
Wed May 27, 202019DSmiling Face With Heart-Eyes, e.g.Chris A. McGlothlinShortz
Fri Mar 20, 202023AIcon of the small screen?Wyna Liu and Paolo PascoShortz
Mon Feb 17, 202031DTexter's pictographSally HoelscherShortz
Tue Dec 17, 201947DWord derived from the Japanese for "picture writing"David Levinson WilkShortz
Sat Jul 13, 20196DExpressive charactersDavid SteinbergShortz
Wed Dec 26, 201852DBit of graphic language?Howard BarkinShortz
Mon Nov 12, 201852DSmiley face with hearts for eyes, e.g.Kathy BloomerShortz
Tue Jun 12, 201858ALoudly crying face, for oneSamuel A. Donaldson and Tracy GrayShortz
Sun Apr 29, 2018112AFunny face?Peter WentzShortz
Mon Jan 8, 20189DSmiley face or frowny faceSam EzerskyShortz
Thu Nov 2, 201715DFace With Tears of Joy, e.g.Peter Sagal and Mike SelinkerShortz
Wed Dec 14, 201650DNontext part of a textAlan DeLorieaShortz
Mon Nov 7, 20161DSymbol like "prayer hands" or "heart eyes"Bruce HaightShortz
Sun Sep 20, 201569AModern-day hieroglyphJason Mueller and Jeff ChenShortz
Sun Aug 17, 201493DWhat you might use to put on a happy face?Caleb MadisonShortz
1 result for EMOJI from Variety puzzles:
Jun 18, 2023AcrosticQExpressive round face, sayDavid Balton & Jane StewartShortz
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