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DISBAR is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for DISBAR.

18 total results for DISBAR( score: 50 )

12 results for DISBAR from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Sat Mar 6, 202127AKeep off the court?Sid SivakumarShortz
Thu Aug 29, 201943DKeep from practicing, sayJeff ChenShortz
Sat Jul 14, 20187ABan from argumentKameron Austin CollinsShortz
Tue Feb 23, 201617ARemove from practiceElizabeth C. GorskiShortz
Sat Dec 7, 201343AGet out of practice?James MulhernShortz
Tue Jun 5, 201221AKeep from practicing (2)Sharon DelormeShortz
Thu Jul 7, 20058DOust from practiceDavid QuarfootShortz
Sat Apr 17, 20041AKeep from practicing (2)Brendan Emmett QuigleyShortz
Sun May 5, 200213AKick out, in a wayPatrick BerryShortz
Mon Aug 23, 199948DExpel from law practiceNancy KavanaughShortz
Sun Oct 11, 199838APrevent from practicingNancy Salomon, Marjorie Richter and Kelly ClarkShortz
Fri Oct 9, 19988DPrevent from lawyeringCathy MillhauserShortz
6 results for DISBAR from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Mon Dec 11, 198944DOust a lawyerSidney L. RobbinsMaleska
Thu Dec 7, 198929AOust, legallyBert RosenfieldMaleska
Sun Jul 3, 198387DExpel a lawyerJim PageMaleska
Tue Mar 11, 198024AExpel, as an attorneyJudson G. TrentMaleska
Sun Jul 20, 195880DExpel a lawyer.Eugene T. MaleskaFarrar
Thu Apr 24, 19521ARevoke a lawyer's license to practice.UnknownFarrar
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