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DEMANDED is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for DEMANDED.

14 total results for DEMANDED( score: 50 )

2 results for DEMANDED from Modern Era puzzles:
Sun Dec 25, 202212DIssued an edict, sayJohn MartzShortz
Sat Sep 20, 200829DSaid while pounding the fist, sayJoe KrozelShortz
12 results for DEMANDED from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Mon Mar 30, 199239DGave an ultimatumMary S. SnyderMaleska
Wed Mar 18, 199241DPressed a requestWayne EastmanMaleska
Tue Feb 13, 199040DExactedArthur W. PalmerMaleska
Thu Oct 6, 19884DInsisted onJean J. DavisonMaleska
Wed Mar 4, 198745AAsked for boldlyMcKeonMaleska
Wed Sep 15, 19826DExactedWilliam E. HeinemannMaleska
Thu Jan 1, 197637DCalled forAlfio MicciWeng
Sat Apr 19, 197533DExactedJoseph LaFauciWeng
Wed Aug 16, 19614DClaimed.UnknownFarrar
Thu Nov 28, 195729AClaimed as a right.UnknownFarrar
Tue Oct 9, 195636DExacted.H. L. RisteenFarrar
Sun Sep 9, 195135AInsisted upon.Jules ArensbergFarrar
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