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COOLIE is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for COOLIE.

19 total results for COOLIE( score: 10 )

2 results for COOLIE from Modern Era puzzles:
Sat Sep 7, 201340DIll-paid laborerJulian LimShortz
Fri Sep 2, 200516ANear-slave workerSherry O. BlackardShortz
17 results for COOLIE from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sat May 30, 199213DUnskilled laborerJeff HerringtonMaleska
Wed May 20, 19925DType of hatLois SidwayMaleska
Sun Nov 2, 198023APower for a jinrikishaGeorge Rose SmithMaleska
Sun Feb 27, 19776DLaborerWilliam LutwiniakWeng
Tue Nov 19, 197426ALaborerGeorge LaczkoWeng
Sun Apr 28, 197421ALowly workerJoseph LaFauciWeng
Tue Nov 9, 196548DCousin of the peon.UnknownFarrar
Sun Nov 4, 19622DUnskilled laborer.Diana SessionsFarrar
Thu Jan 11, 19621DRickshaw puller.Jules ArensbergFarrar
Mon Jul 11, 196020AOriental laborer.UnknownFarrar
Sun Jan 24, 19602DRickshaw boy.Eugene T. MaleskaFarrar
Sun Aug 25, 195778DLaborer.Mel TaubFarrar
Fri Oct 5, 19562DWorker in the paddy field.Jack LuzzattoFarrar
Sat Oct 9, 195434AOriental worker.Harold T. BersFarrar
Fri Oct 30, 195345DKin of a peon.Harold T. BersFarrar
Sun Oct 26, 19528DLaborer.Ralph AndersonFarrar
Sun Sep 15, 194668AEastern laborer.P. J. LamannaFarrar
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