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CERAMIC is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for CERAMIC.

28 total results for CERAMIC( score: 50 )

16 results for CERAMIC from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Mon Oct 16, 202345DLike pots made by a potterMichael Lieberman and Andrea Carla MichaelsShortz
Tue Jul 18, 202341DBathroom tile materialKaren and Paul SteinbergShortz
Fri Feb 10, 202311ALike some cutting edgesKavin Pawittranon and Nijah MorrisShortz
Sat Jan 30, 202131DMaterial that artists get all fired up about?Nam Jin YoonShortz
Sat Jan 9, 202142DKind of tile (2)Trenton CharlsonShortz
Fri Sep 22, 20173DKind of tile (2)David SteinbergShortz
Mon Dec 7, 201541DMade from clayJason MuellerShortz
Sat Jul 28, 201240DLike many cookie jarsVictor Fleming and Sam EzerskyShortz
Sun Jan 8, 201213AMuseum pieceTony OrbachShortz
Sat Oct 18, 20081ALike DelftwareBrad WilberShortz
Fri Apr 11, 200849AFired pitcher? (2)Manny NosowskyShortz
Fri May 9, 200313AFired pitcher? (2)Manny NosowskyShortz
Mon Oct 4, 199955ALike potteryJoey CrumleyShortz
Wed Sep 11, 199628AMade of clayB. E. QuigleyShortz
Tue Jul 30, 199623DEarthenwareE. GorskiShortz
Mon Jul 29, 199623ALike terra-cotta tilesF. PiscopShortz
12 results for CERAMIC from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Fri Apr 2, 199328DOf a potter's artEugene T. MaleskaMaleska
Fri Aug 2, 199140DMade from clayPeter GordonMaleska
Sat Jan 29, 19838AKind of glaze or mosaicJack L. SteinhardtMaleska
Thu Apr 3, 197551AClay or porcelain objectManny MillerWeng
Thu Dec 17, 197038DKind of artsUnknownWeng
Sun Jul 14, 196817DPotteryJack LuzzattoFarrar
Sun Mar 10, 196886AClay product.William A. Lewis, Jr.Farrar
Sat Apr 8, 19671AOf earthenware.Arthur SchulmanFarrar
Thu Apr 2, 196419AOf tile.UnknownFarrar
Fri May 22, 195914AOf earthenware.Helen FasuloFarrar
Sun Jan 30, 195565DOf pottery.Thomas MeekinFarrar
Fri Apr 20, 195115DOf pottery.UnknownFarrar
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