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BLIMPS is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for BLIMPS.

14 total results for BLIMPS( score: 50 )

8 results for BLIMPS from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Mon Dec 25, 202348DGoodyear aircraftAmie WalkerShortz
Mon Dec 11, 202358AGoodyear airshipsLuke K. SchreiberShortz
Mon Feb 23, 200944DHoverers over sports stadiumsAlan ArbesfeldShortz
Thu Oct 9, 200815DSights at many football games (2)Doug PetersonShortz
Sat Jun 4, 200539DSights at many football games (2)Byron WaldenShortz
Sat Dec 15, 200118AThey may pull bannersFrank A. LongoShortz
Sat May 13, 200045DAd sites at ball gamesWilliam S. CotterShortz
Tue Apr 1, 199724AGoodyear fleetPatrick JordanShortz
1 result for BLIMPS from Variety puzzles:
Apr 2, 2000Panda37DB has a bad legMel TaubShortz
5 results for BLIMPS from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Jun 6, 198253DLight aircraftRichard SilvestriMaleska
Sun Oct 12, 1980111AL.T.A. craftTap OsbornMaleska
Fri Nov 11, 196657AAirships: Colloq.UnknownFarrar
Tue Jan 30, 195113DNon-rigid aircraft.J. F. KellyFarrar
Tue Sep 19, 195039DSmall nonrigid airships.Jack LuzzattoFarrar
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