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BIFF is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for BIFF.

19 total results for BIFF( score: 50 )

11 results for BIFF from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Tue Jan 9, 20241DBully in "Back to the Future"Adam WagnerShortz
Sun Mar 28, 202156A"Back to the Future" antagonist (2)Olivia Mitra FramkeShortz
Tue Mar 9, 20211D"Back to the Future" bully (4)Simon MarotteShortz
Sun Nov 27, 201614A"Back to the Future" antagonist (2)Matt GinsbergShortz
Tue Jan 7, 201458DSon of Willy Loman (3)Mark BickhamShortz
Tue Feb 23, 201012D"Back to the Future" bully (4)Joanne SullivanShortz
Wed Dec 2, 200939D"Back to the Future" bully (4)Jack McInturffShortz
Fri Dec 16, 200554DSon of Willy Loman (3)Joe DiPietroShortz
Sun Nov 13, 200583D"Back to the Future" bully (4)Brendan Emmett QuigleyShortz
Thu Oct 30, 20031DPunch, slangilyPatrick BerryShortz
Fri Feb 28, 199713DSon of Willy Loman (3)Bob KlahnShortz
1 result for BIFF from Variety puzzles:
Oct 28, 2001Diagramless50DSon of Willy LomanFred PiscopShortz
7 results for BIFF from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Fri Aug 24, 198410AA son of Willy LomanWilliam CoburnMaleska
Thu Oct 20, 197733D"Death of a Salesman" characterHenry HookMaleska
Sun Jul 18, 19766DSwatGeorge Rose SmithWeng
Sun Dec 20, 19706AWhackAnne FoxWeng
Mon May 6, 19571DStrike: Slang.Walt ClarkFarrar
Tue Mar 24, 195370APunch: Slang.George HendersonFarrar
Wed Aug 13, 19526AOne of the Loman boys.UnknownFarrar
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