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ANTHILL is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for ANTHILL.

18 total results for ANTHILL( score: 50 )

6 results for ANTHILL from Modern Era puzzles:
Sun Sep 24, 20234DLocale of tiny tunnelsJoel Fagliano and Christina IversonShortz
Sat Apr 8, 20062DColonial home?Patrick BerryShortz
Fri Nov 8, 20022DQueen's residenceManny NosowskyShortz
Sat Sep 14, 200214ABump along the way?Bruce L. BlivenShortz
Wed Jul 17, 200212DWhere soldiers may be busyPeter GordonShortz
Sun Dec 5, 199338AQueen's home?Manny NosowskyShortz
3 results for ANTHILL from Variety puzzles:
Dec 5, 2021AcrosticSColonial constructionEmily Cox & Henry RathvonShortz
May 22, 2011AcrosticMMound of debris piled up by digging workersEmily Cox & Henry RathvonShortz
Aug 12, 2001AcrosticGSite of busy industryEmily Cox & Henry RathvonShortz
9 results for ANTHILL from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Tue Dec 29, 199241DFormican moundAlbert J. KlausMaleska
Sun Dec 20, 199226AFormicaryJohn M. SamsonMaleska
Fri Oct 11, 199134DCertain colony's creationMark BlakeburnMaleska
Sun May 22, 198339DBusy moundDerrick C. NiedermanMaleska
Sun Feb 22, 19817DBusy, congested communityTap OsbornMaleska
Thu Nov 6, 195828AFormicary.S. A. KayFarrar
Wed Nov 28, 195611DResult of formicid activity.Bernice GordonFarrar
Fri Dec 18, 195335DEating place for aardvarks.Thomas MeekinFarrar
Mon Feb 26, 195153ATermite's home.Jack LuzzattoFarrar
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