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AMIDOL is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for AMIDOL.

12 total results for AMIDOL( score: 10 )

3 results for AMIDOL from Modern Era puzzles:
Sun Mar 17, 201364APhoto developing compoundJ. R. LeopoldShortz
Thu May 26, 201116ADeveloping agent in photographyAshish VengsarkarShortz
Fri Aug 11, 199528DPhoto developing powderMartin Ashwood-SmithShortz
9 results for AMIDOL from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sun Mar 28, 199313ACompound used as a photographic developerJudith C. DaltonMaleska
Sun Mar 21, 199327AChemical used in film developingBernice GordonMaleska
Sun Jan 3, 19939DPhotographic-developer compoundJim PageMaleska
Fri Jan 1, 19934DSalt used as a photographic developerNancy Scandrett RossMaleska
Tue Feb 4, 199242DPhoto-development chemicalTap OsbornMaleska
Fri Aug 5, 198843APhotographic developerWilson McBeathMaleska
Mon Jul 11, 198344APhotographer's compoundSidney L. RobbinsMaleska
Sat Mar 20, 196534APhotographer's developer.UnknownFarrar
Sun Mar 31, 1946132APhotographic developer of bromid plates.Louis BaronFarrar
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