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ALBEIT is a legal Scrabble word. See a dictionary definition for ALBEIT.

21 total results for ALBEIT( score: 50 )

11 results for ALBEIT from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Wed Dec 27, 20235DNotwithstanding (3)Kareem AyasShortz
Thu Dec 14, 202347DEven though (5)Esha DattaShortz
Thu Jul 5, 201852AEven though (5)Randolph RossShortz
Wed Jul 4, 201832ANotwithstanding (3)Freddie ChengShortz
Tue Sep 2, 201440AWith the concession thatEthan CooperShortz
Fri Nov 8, 20137DEven though (5)Alan ArbesfeldShortz
Sun Feb 25, 2007105AEven though (5)David J. KahnShortz
Fri Feb 2, 200752DNotwithstanding (3)David J. KahnShortz
Mon Nov 5, 20015DEven ifJenny GutbezahlShortz
Wed May 19, 199912DThoughElizabeth C. GorskiShortz
Sun Mar 2, 199729AEven though (5)Harvey EstesShortz
10 results for ALBEIT from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Wed Feb 5, 198645DEven thoughEugene T. MaleskaMaleska
Sun Sep 16, 198414DAlthoughEdward MarcheseMaleska
Thu Mar 4, 197655AEven ifSamuel H. BarkanWeng
Wed Apr 30, 19757DEven ifAnn JenkinsWeng
Sun Jul 1, 1973120AEven ifEdward J. O'BrienWeng
Sun Apr 1, 197387DEven ifAnthony MorseWeng
Wed May 18, 196628DEven though.UnknownFarrar
Sat Aug 23, 19583DEven though.Norton RhoadesFarrar
Wed Jan 19, 195549ANotwithstanding.UnknownFarrar
Sun Nov 12, 195023AEven though.Charles CrossFarrar
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