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15 total results for ACHILLES( score: 60 )

7 results for ACHILLES from Modern Era puzzles:
Repeated clues show (number of Modern Era occurrences).
Sat Jun 10, 202316AMythological figure with an eponymous body partJohn HawksleyShortz
Fri Jun 2, 202324AStyx figureJohn EwbankShortz
Sat Jun 2, 201830DHe had a heel that wouldn't healTrenton CharlsonShortz
Sat Jan 28, 201720DVictim of Paris (2)Damon GulczynskiShortz
Sun Oct 26, 20149DSee 22-AcrossCaleb EmmonsShortz
Fri Sep 19, 199737DVictim of Paris (2)Rich NorrisShortz
Fri Aug 29, 199734DNot so well-heeled person?Mark DiehlShortz
2 results for ACHILLES from Variety puzzles:
Apr 23, 2023AcrosticCRole for Brad Pitt in 2004's "Troy"Jim HorneShortz
Aug 17, 2008AcrosticFFriend to Patroclus in Homer's "Iliad"Emily Cox & Henry RathvonShortz
6 results for ACHILLES from pre-Shortz puzzles:
Sat Feb 8, 198650AHomeric protagonistSandra BurlingameMaleska
Sat Jan 14, 19842DParis was his undoingArthur SchulmanMaleska
Sun Mar 16, 197513DNot well-heeled manRuth N. SchultzWeng
Thu Mar 6, 197520AMythical figureMaura B. JacobsonWeng
Mon Oct 18, 19714DKind of heelUnknownWeng
Sun Nov 15, 196473AHero of old.A. J. SantoraFarrar
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