Rows: 15, Columns: 15Words: 72, Blocks: 42Missing: {JKQWYZ}This is puzzle # 16 for Mr. Koppy.Thursday freshness: 94%
Notepad: This puzzle contains several pre-filled squares. For a correct solution, tap into each and enter a blank rebus. More assistance can be found in today's Wordplay column:
Brandon Koppy notes:
My original submission actually omitted the shaded squares—I was worried it would be too "hand-holdy" or something. But I think the ... read more
My original submission actually omitted the shaded squares—I was worried it would be too "hand-holdy" or something. But I think the presentation tweaks they added are pretty cool and do a good job of illustrating the theme. This was a fun one to stitch together, and I hope you enjoy solving it!
For any constructors interested in this type of grid, I have a tutorial on my website here.
Jim Horne notes:
Each gray square starts with a T, but for the clues to make sense, each T(ea) LEAVES. Note that each entry, Across and Down, with or ... read more
Each gray square starts with a T, but for the clues to make sense, each T(ea) LEAVES. Note that each entry, Across and Down, with or without the T's, is a legitimate crossword answer word.