The Jim and Jeff shelter-in-place conversations continue!
Jim: I didn't get the "pun" aspect of SPRING ROLL. Did you?
Jeff: ROLL sounds like ROLE. Role, as in a part to play!
Jim: That's not how puns work. They'd have included "homophonic" or "phonetic" in the clue.
Jeff: Puns. Have. No. Rules!
Jim: Maybe not in the vast lawlessness of the American Colonies. In Canada, every schoolboy is dutifully required to study and memorize "The Primer for Prim Punditry."
Jeff: Ha ha ha! Wait. You're kidding, right?
Jim: Rule #1 of Punditry: Thou Shalt Not Phoneticate. Rule #2: Honor Thy Groans. Truly, the punniness today comes in the form of "roll" used in the "roll call" sense.
Jeff: Whoa. Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?
Brilliant theme concept, SPRING ROLL hinting at calling the roll of SPRING-related roles. One of the March women in Little Women, April something, someone named MAY from a show that was so terrible even this superhero fanboy averted his eyes, and JUNE CLEAVER, my secret boyhood crush.
Both Jim and I had a tough time with this solve, both of us having serious gaps in our knowledge of fictional characters. I was relieved to hear that Jim couldn't recall MARMEE MARCH. I'm not the only uncivilized boor — take that, Canadia!
And get this. Jim only barely recognized JUNE CLEAVER. Score one for the American educational system!
Point is, the theme concept was WITTy (Wish I Thought of That). It's fraught with danger, though, since name-heavy puzzles are alienating enough when you're using celebs. Going one level deeper into fictional characters ... some solvers will squee over them, and some will be haters because WTF CROSSWORD, I HAVE TO KNOW GREY'S ANATOMY CHARACTERS? Perilous territory.
A quick fix that could have helped a ton: replace MELINDA MAY with AUNT MAY from the Spider-man movies. Solvers are forced to come up with one less potentially arbitrary-seeming name, and even better, the gridwork becomes about four times easier. A central 7 is so easy to build around that it'd be easy to reduce the count of ABAT AGA AME MGR PEI plural EMMAS.
Better yet (but more invasive) would be to break up SPRING / ROLL, placing them in a corner, intersecting at the R. Maybe even change it to ROLE, for better comedic effect! (Quiet, you Canadians.)
Point is, I loved the theme concept, and would have jumped at a chance to take this one to the next level. If Laura could have found more accessible names and pulled off a smoother grid, it would have been an easy POW! choice.